NovaMedSearch: combining case and image search

Today we launched an updated version of the NovaMedSearch engine.
The main change was the combination of case-based and image-based medical search into a new simplified interface.



In the new version, the query intent can be changed just by choosing a different search option;
in the old version, users had to change page and redo the query.

The new (beta) version is available here

The next step is adding search by image category (e.g. x-ray, PET scan). This is a key information need for healthcare specialists, as it gives the power to filter irrelevant images from query results.
We are currently extracting and indexing the categories for the images in our corpus.

NovaSearch@TREC2013: Federated Web Search and Microblog

NovaSearch participation in TREC 2013 was a success: best result at the result merging task at the Federated Web Track with a novel rank fusion algorithm (Inverse Square Rank) and promising results with temporal reranking using Wikipedia at the Microblog Track.
We presented two posters and gave an oral presentation for Federated Web Track. Check our Federated Web Track poster


and a picture of my presentation.

2013-11-22 09.20.30

We hope we have inspired other participants with our ideas and that this is just the beginning of a successful journey.